Network Security vs Network Performance

August 10, 2021

Network Security vs Network Performance

Network security and network performance are two essential components of successful networking. However, there is often a trade-off between these two factors. The more secure a network is, the more it may affect its performance. In this blog post, we will dive into a factual comparison between network security and network performance, and explore how they affect each other.

Network Security

Network security refers to the measures taken to protect a network's data and assets from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. Network security mechanisms aim to prevent, detect, and respond to security threats.

Some common network security mechanisms include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), VPNs, and antivirus software. These measures come at a cost, such as reduced network performance due to the time it takes to inspect data packets or establish encrypted connections.

Network Performance

Network performance, on the other hand, refers to how well a network can handle data and traffic. Factors such as throughput, latency, and packet loss contribute to network performance. A well-performing network can handle high traffic volumes and deliver data quickly and efficiently.

Network performance can be affected by various factors, including the number of devices connected to the network, bandwidth availability, and network design. Therefore, the ability to maintain high network performance while implementing network security measures is crucial.

Impact of Network Security on Network Performance

As stated earlier, implementing network security measures can reduce network performance. The additional processing required to monitor, filter, and encrypt network traffic can cause a latency increase and packet loss.

According to a survey conducted by ThousandEyes, implementing security measures caused an average latency increase of 3.5ms for encrypted traffic and 0.7ms for unencrypted traffic. Also, for HTTP traffic, the average round trip time (RTT) increased by 31 milliseconds with SSL/TLS encryption.

On its own, the impact of implementing network security measures on network performance may be negligible. However, as network traffic volumes increase, and more security measures are put in place, the effect becomes more pronounced.

Balancing Network Security and Performance

Balancing network security and performance is crucial for organizations that depend on highly available and secure networks. Implementing security measures without compromising network performance is possible with careful planning and execution.

One effective way to achieve this is to employ network security measures that have low overheads while still providing ample protection. For example, antivirus software that uses cloud-based scanning will not require an on-premises server to process data, reducing latency and improving network performance.

Another way to balance network security and performance is to prioritize network traffic. By prioritizing critical traffic, such as VoIP and video conferencing, organizations can ensure the efficient delivery of this traffic, reducing latency and improving overall network performance.


In conclusion, network security and network performance are both crucial components of successful networking. While implementing network security measures can reduce performance, the impact can be mitigated with careful planning and execution. Striking a balance between network security and performance is crucial for organizations that require highly available and secure networks.


  • ThousandEyes. (2020). "State of the Internet - Security Report." ThousandEyes
  • Cisco. (2020). "Cisco 2020 CISO Benchmark Report." Cisco.

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